About us
EERTIS - Engage in the European Research and Technology Infrastructure System – is the online platform that reunites the public and private European Research and Technology Infrastructures.
In 2015, The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) developed erris (Engage in the Romanian Research Infrastructure System), within the framework of the "Improving the efficiency of the electronic data monitoring of R&D activities" European project. It was the first Romanian online platform that collected and displayed the national research infrastructure with the purpose of connecting them with potential clients (researchers and company representatives). The platform was also a booking gate for research services provided by the Romanian private and public research infrastructures.
In 2018, erris started its international journey, by including Slovenian infrastructures and started a dialogue with Montenegrin and Moldavian officials to also include research infrastructures from that area. Hence erris changed to eeris - Engage in the European Research Infrastructure System, in order to highlight its newly acquired European dimension.
In order to integrate both the international response and the feedback from the Romanian research community, which was provided through a series of interviews with the research institutions representatives, eeris was redesigned, in order to keep up with the RDI community needs. Hence, in 2021, Eeris became EERTIS.
EERTIS is a single-entry gate for the European Research and Technology Infrastructures and their associated services and pieces of equipment, therefore you have easy access to a wealth of information regarding the Research and Technology Infrastructures and their services.
EERTIS is publicly accessible and represents an open access resource displaying information collected from the Research and Technology Infrastructures.
EERTIS helps build trust for potential users by providing a services contracting technology that combines ease of use, low cost and high security.
EERTIS allows you to create a complex and structured online institutional profile, helping you to increase its visibility nationally and internationally.
EERTIS is a powerful tool for management and administrative purposes helping you get an overview of your research capacity.
EERTIS is now more than a registry of research and technology infrastructures; it bridges the gap between the research and technology service providers and the potential users.
The previous version of the platform can be accessed at the following address: https://eeris.eu
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Notification! EERTIS has replaced eeris. From now on, all updates and account activities will be on EERTIS. However, you can still migrate your remaining data from eeris to EERTIS.