Frequently asked questions
1. General questions about EERTIS

2. Administrator accounts related questions
   Organization account related questions
   Suborganization account related questions
   Research Facilities & Laboratory related questions
   Services related questions
   Equipment related questions

3. Publishing and account administrator assignment flow

4. Data migration from eeris

5. Miscellanous questions

1. General questions about EERTIS

What is EERTIS?
EERTIS - Engage in European Research and Technology Infrastructure System is a free online platform that bridges the gap between the research and technological infrastructure providers and their potential users.

Is there a connection between EERTIS and eeris?
EERTIS has stemmed from the former platform eeris, due to the necessity to amend the old platform according to the user needs. The concept, goals and features resemble the ones from the old eeris, however the new EERTIS is more complex, far-reaching, service oriented and incorporates emerging technologies for a better and safer experience.

What happens to my accounts and the associated information already existing on eeris?
Your previous eeris organizational account will be automatically transferred onto the EERTIS platform. To reclaim your account, simply login into EERTIS using your previous account email address. After defining your new organizational structure, you can choose to migrate the associated data and make the necessary alterations. You can find more information on this matter, in the user guide.

What are the benefits for joining EERTIS as a service provider?
- increases the national and international exposure of the research and technological infrastructures and their resources and services;
- fosters collaboration for research purposes;
- provides a tool for management and administrative purposes, helping you get an overview of your research capacity.

What are the benefits for joining EERTIS as a service user?
- offers easy access to a vast database of research and technological infrastructures and their resources and services and the opportunity to send enquiries to the account administrators;
- offers filtered information according to your needs.

What is a research infrastructure?
According to, Research Infrastructures are facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to conduct research and foster innovation. They can be used beyond research, e.g. for education or public services and they may be single-sited, distributed, or virtual.
They include:
- major scientific equipment or sets of instruments
- collections, archives of scientific data
- computing systems and communication networks
- any other research and innovation infrastructure of a unique nature which is open to external users

*On EERTIS a Research Infrastructure refers to both Research Facilities and Laboratories, entities that have their own accounts on EERTIS with various features. There is no specific account named Research Infrastructure on the platform, however the term may appear in certain sections, such as the Search/Browse section, referring to both Research Facilities and Laboratories. In this context a research infrastructure may provide both research services and technological services.

What is a technological infrastructure? According to, Technological Infrastructures are facilities, equipment, capabilities and support services designed to promote the use of technology by enterprises and users. There is no specific account named Technological Infrastructure on the platform.

How is EERTIS structured?
EERTIS has a hierarchical structure and consists of multiple layers depending on the size and structure of the organization.
- Organization (Org)
- Suborganization (SO)
- Research Facility (RF)
- Laboratory (Lab)
- Service
- Equipment
Each Org/SO/RF/Lab can provide services and own equipment. A service can be provided by one entity or by an association of entities.
E.g. A Service can be provided by one equipment and a Laboratory;
A Service can be provided by several equipment items.
*You can find out a detailed description about each entity here

What types of accounts exist on EERTIS?
- Administrative accounts with specific rights and responsibilities;
- User accounts with no administrative rights, but with the possibility to browse the platform and have access to the published information.

Who can create an account?
EERTIS is free and publicly accessible and anyone can create an account.

Why should I create a user account with no administrative rights?
As a user with no administrative rights, you can contact the administrators for more information about the entities of interest.

How can I create an account?
Through the Sign Up form, you can choose to register as an organization representative or as a user with no administrative rights.

How to reset my password?
Access EERTIS and click Login, then click Forgot password.
Fill in the email address linked to your account and press “Request password reset”. The platform will send you an email with your validation code (please also check the Spam folder). An email will be sent from address. Fill in the validation code into the required field and press “Validate access token”. Fill in the new password. The password must be at least 8 characters and must contain at least one capital letter, one small letter, one number and one special character. Once the resetting process is completed, you will be redirected to the Login page.

How can I change the administrator of the organizational account?
The administrator of the account is appointed by the organization’s legal representative and is liable for the information provided on EERTIS. The administrator of the organizational account can be changed through a signed official request sent via email to

I have received an invitation to manage an account. What happens next?
You can log in to the platform, go to your Dashboard and start filing in the information related to the entity you manage and appoint account administrators, if necessary.

I am an organization account administrator and I want to appoint/change administrators for the entities associated with my organization. What happens next?
You will no longer have any management rights for those entities, except for the right to further change the administrators. You can still view those entities.

What is the difference between RF, Lab and RI?
A Laboratory may only contain pieces of equipment and provide services;
A Research Facility must contain at least two laboratories/ or at least one laboratory and one equipment. It also may provide services;
A Research Infrastructure is a generic term which comprises research facilities and laboratories. It does not exist de facto on the EERTIS platform.

How do I find relevant information?
Even if you are a user with no administrative rights, you can browse the platform and search for the information you need. In the search/browse section you will find various tabs and filters to help you single out what is relevant for you.

Can I book a service through the platform? No. You can only request further information and you can do this as a registered member on the platform.

Do I need an account to browse the platform? No. All the information provided by the accounts’ administrators is free and publicly accessible.

2. Administrator accounts related questions

Organization account related questions

What are my rights and responsibilities?
- You can add and edit information about the organization,
- You can define the organization structure by adding Suborganizations, Research Facilities, Laboratories, stand-alone equipment and list services provided directly by the organization and nominate administrators for them.
- You can delete/unpublish the organization account.
You can find out a detailed description about all the rights and responsibilities here

Suborganization account related questions

What happens if I am nominated/appointed as an account administrator?
You will receive an email informing you that you have been appointed as a Suborganization account administrator. Follow the instructions received by email and log in on the EERTIS platform.

What are my rights and responsibilities?
- You can add and edit information about the suborganization;
- You can add Research Facilities, Laboratories, stand-alone equipment and list services provided directly by the suborganization and nominate administrators for them;
- You can delete/unpublish the suborganization account.
You can find out a detailed description about all the rights and responsibilities here

Research Facilities & Laboratory related questions

What happens if I am nominated/appointed as an account administrator?
You will receive an email informing you that you have been appointed as a Research Facility/Laboratory account administrator. Follow the instructions received by email and log in on the EERTIS platform.

What are my rights and responsibilities?
- You can add and edit information about the Research Facility/Laboratory;
- You can add Laboratories, equipment and list services provided directly by the Research Facility or the Laboratory and appoint administrators for them;
- You can delete/unpublish the Research Facility/Laboratory account.
You can find out a detailed description about all the rights and responsibilities here

Services related questions

What happens if I am appointed as an account administrator?
You will receive an email informing you that you have been appointed as a Service account administrator. Follow the instructions received by email and log in on the EERTIS platform.

What are my responsibilities?
- You can add and edit information about the Service;
- You can add association to existing pieces of equipment or any other type of entities;
- You can delete/unpublish the Service account.
You can find out a detailed description about all the rights and responsibilities here

Equipment related questions

What happens if I am appointed as an account administrator?
You will receive an email informing you that you have been appointed as an Equipment account administrator. Follow the instructions received by email and log in on the EERTIS platform.

What are my responsibilities?
- You can add and edit information about the Equipment;
- You can list services associated with that piece of Equipment;
- You can delete/unpublish the Equipment account.
You can find out a detailed description about all the rights and responsibilities here.

3. Publishing and account administrator assignment flow

What is a draft?
A draft is an entity form that has either not been completed or not yet published. You may save a draft at any given moment and choose to publish it, when finalised. Please check out the user guides to find out more about publishing and unpublishing rights.

Which are the differences between a draft and a published entity?
A draft is only visible in the back-office (for administrators), whereas a published entity is visible for every platform user.

Why can’t I publish my draft?
A draft can be published once the mandatory fields are filled in and all the requirements for the entity are met. E.g. A research facility may not be published unless it has either, at least, two laboratories, or, at least, one laboratory and one equipment. E.g. A Laboratory may not be published unless the Research Facility that is directly above and linked to it is also published.Another requirement for publishing a draft is that the entity directly above it, is also published. 

Which are the requirements for a Research Facility to become visible?
A Research Facility will become visible once the mandatory fields are filled in and it has either, minimum two laboratories, or minimum one laboratory and one equipment. Another requirement for publishing a Research Facility is that the entity directly above it (Organization or Suborganization), is also published. 

How do I publish an entity? What is the publishing flow?
There are general criteria for publishing an entity: An Equipment is published if the Laboratory/RF/SO/ORG entity that owns it, is published on  the platform (Laboratory/RF/SO/ORG);A Laboratory is published if it has at least one equipment attached to it, which in turn, must be published on the platform; Another condition is that the entity that owns it (eg. RF, SO, Org) is also published on the platform;A Research Facility is published if it has at least two Laboratories /or at least one Laboratory and one equipment attached to it, which in turn must be published on the platform. Another condition is that the entity that owns it (eg.  SO, Org) is also published on the platformThe creation of a structure starts at/with the top levels of the organization and goes further down (eg. Org -> SO-> RF ->Lab -> Equip, etc), whereas the publishing flow is a bottom up process/approach, but always considering meeting the requirements (e.g Equip ->Lab -> RF -> etc)For more information about the publishing flow, please check out the user guide.

What is the difference between someone who has created an entity (owner) and the one who manages it (administrator)?
Owner - a user that has created an entity
Administrator - a user that has the rights to edit an entity, but he/she has not necessarily created that entity
*the owner may or may not be the same person as the account administrator

What happens if I change one of the administrators for the entities I have created?
There are several changes that happen when you change or appoint an account administrator:
Once you have nominated another person to manage an account, that person is the only one that has the right to edit/publish the entity he/she has been appointed to. You only retain the right to reassign another person (including yourself) as an account administrator. 
If an owner has nominated/changed the administrator of an entity he/she owns, the  assigned person will become the new administrator of that particular entity and owner of all its associated entities. In addition, the assignment of the new admin propagates to all lower entities who were previously administered by the old admin - and also affects the ownership of their associated entities. (In other words, the replacement of an entity admin entails his/her replacement throughout the lower sub-tree.)
For more information please check out the user guide.
*Case ”a” happens no matter what, while case ”b” only happens if that particular context is in place

4. Data migration from eeris

How do I transfer the data from eeris to EERTIS?
The data migration is done automatically, but only if and organisation has already had an account on the old eeris. Hence, the organisational account adminstrator can choose to migrate the data, through a designated module.

How does the migration process unfolds?
Once the administrator has logged in on the platform, he/she can go to the Admin Center and kickstart the data migration. A user-friendly wizard will open up where the administrator can choose which entities he/she whishes to migrate, from the old erris. When migrating a research infrastructure, all its associated services are being automatically migrated and associated with it. Any further changes can be operated from the newly created accounts on EERTIS.

What specific data have been automatically migrated?
The ”Organization” entity has been automatically shifted to EERTIS. The account administrator must transfer the entities below it, namely the Research Infrastructures and its associated services and equipment. However,onece one choses to migrate a particular research infrastructure, all its associated services and equipment are being automaticallly migrated and associate with it.

Must I do anything on EERTIS, before starting the migration? Since the new structure is different from the old one, we strongly suggest that, before starting the migration process, the organization account administrator should define the structure of his organization, according to the new updates

5. Miscellaneous questions

How do I have access to administrative accounts if I am the administrator of several accounts?
Once you log in on the EERTIS platform, you can go to your Dashboard where you can access any of the accounts you manage. All the accounts are organized in different sections, depending on their type (Organization, Suborganization, Research Facility, etc)

What happens if I change the admin of an entity managed by me?
You will no longer have the right to edit, update and modify the information related to that specific entity. All these rights will be shifted to the newly appointed administrator. However, you still have the right to further change the account administrator, since this is the exclusive right of the one who created the account entity and you will still be able to view the entity.

Can I modify an entity managed by someone else?
No. Only the appointed account administrator has the rights to edit, update and modify the information related to the entity he/she manages. If you are the one who created the entity, you may change its administrator - (re)appoint yourself and, thus, (re)gain editing rights.

Can I edit an entity for which I changed the admin?
No. Once you have changed/appointed the administrator for one of the entities associated with the entity you manage, you can no longer edit, update or modify any information related to that entity. You may contact the administrator and request the desired changes. If you are the one who created the entity, you may change its administrator - (re)appoint yourself and, thus, (re)gain editing rights.

What should I do if I am no longer able to manage the entity (or entities) for which I am currently an administrator?
If you can no longer manage an account, other than the organization account, you must email the person that appointed you as account administrator, so that he/she can appoint someone else. Once that new person is appointed, you no longer have the rights to edit, update and modify the information related to that specific entity. If you can no longer manage an organization account, the organization management must appoint another person through a signed official request sent via email to

Can I delete an entire suborganization/RF/Lab?
You can delete any entity and it will no longer be visible on EERTIS. However that entity will still be hosted on the EERTIS database, since there are various associations between entities. You also have the option to unpublish the entity that you manage, and it will no longer be visible on the platform. You can also contact us at, for further instructions. ! Beware that unpublishing an entity may trigger changes on the layers below your entity. Please check out the user guides to find out more about publishing and unpublishing rights. 
What happens if I delete an entity for which I am an administrator?
You can delete any entity, but that entity will still be hosted on the EERTIS database, since there are various associations between entities. You can also contact us at, for further instructions.

My organization has a department/subsidiary/branch - should I add it as a suborganization, as a research facility or as a lab?
The platform structure reflects the organisation chart. In order to correctly add your departments, you should take into consideration that a Laboratory only provides services and owns equipment, whereas a Research Facility must have a minimum of two laboratories or one laboratory and at least one equipment. The suborganization layers refer to larger departments/subsidiaries/branches that may contain several research facilities or laboratories, however they can also have their own stand-alone equipment. For more details about the definition of all entities, please visit the user guides.

How can I define the hierarchical structure of my organization?
You can define your structure according to your own organization chart. In order to better reflect the dimension of your organization, you can add Suborganizations (up to two layers) (e.g departments, faculties, centres, etc.), which may have administrative features and/or Research Facilities and Laboratories, as you see fit. For more details about the definition of all entities, please visit the user guides.

How can I change the hierarchical structure of my organization?
You can change the structure as long as you are the one that has created it. You also may unpublish any entity and they will no longer be visible on the platform.! Beware that unpublishing an entity may trigger changes on the layers below your entity. Please check out the user guides to find out more about publishing and unpublishing rights.

May I change a Lab into a Research Facility, or a Research Facility into a Lab?
First of all, there are some criteria for an entity to be a Laboratory or a Research Facility. A Laboratory only provides services and owns equipment. A Research Facility must have a minimum of two laboratories or one laboratory and at least one equipment. The shift between these two entities can only be operated by the administrator that has created them, complying with the aforementioned rules. You should also bear in mind that any changes may trigger further changes on the layers below your entity. Please check out the user guides to find out more about publishing and unpublishing rights.

What kind of equipment should I add on EERTIS?
You may add research equipment or any other type of support or auxiliary equipment. We strongly suggest that you only add equipment that is illustrative for your activity.

What is the difference between research equipment and support equipment?
A research equipment directly provides a research, technological, certification and educational service, whereas the support equipment refers to support or auxiliary pieces of equipment that, normally, can be used for everyday activities, not only research. Examples of support equipment are: laptop, printer, test tubes, etc. You should keep in mind that the platform is meant, among other things, to help you highlight your most valuable resources, hence you should focus on the research equipment when listing them.

What types of services exist on the platform?
There are four types of services: research, technological, certification and educational.

What can I do if some required fields (or the provided options) do not apply to my entity?
If this happens, please email us at and we will try to provide adequate support.

What should I do if I send an inquiry or have unanswered questions and I do not receive a reply?
If your inquiry has not been answered you can resend it. But the account management and the communication between the users is not overseen by the platform owners, therefore we can not guarantee that your inquiries will be answered. However, it is in the interest of all the service providers to communicate with their community/potential users.

What is a standalone equipment?
We expect that, typically, any equipment belongs to a laboratory or a research facility. However, if an organization/suborganization directly manages a piece of equipment, that equipment is referred to as a “standalone”.

What is the difference between a technological and a research service?
Research services are associated with scientific activities, whereas technological services are designed to facilitate the use of technology.

How should I define my infrastructure associations if my Service is provided through all (or most) equipment in a Lab?
If your Service is provided by all equipment items owned by a Laboratory, you have the option of only choosing the Laboratory on the specific drop-down list from the Service wizard. If you do this, all equipment items will be automatically associated with your service. If your service is provided by some equipment items from a Laboratory, you must select those specific items one by one from the drop-down list from the Service wizard.

What if my service is provided through multiple equipment in multiple labs or research facilities?
You can select any entity to highlight your service providers from the drop-down list from the Service wizard. The drop-down list is only populated with the entities which are below the one that initially owns the service.
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Notification! EERTIS has replaced eeris. From now on, all updates and account activities will be on EERTIS. However, you can still migrate your remaining data from eeris to EERTIS.